
Report Fruggers To The FTC

Since the establishment of the Do Not Call registry, there has been a predictable increase in "frugging" (fundraising under the guise of research), as opposed to "sugging" (selling under the guise of research). Both refer to the deceptive practice of using surveys to get a foot in the door when the ultimate goal is fundraising or selling.�

While sugging has been illegal since 1995, frugging was made illegal in 2003 by the Federal Trade Commission, which included a provision to the Telemarketing Sales Rule. This rule makes it illegal to "misrepresent, either directly or by implication any material information such as the nature, purpose or mission of any entity on behalf of which charitable contribution is being requested."�

If you are contacted by any of these folks, feel free to report them to the FTC at and help protect potential respondents on behalf of other�true researchers.

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