Get data on your emails
Start personalizing content for your customers

To get started:
  1. Enter the number of emails in your list
  2. Click on the data fields you are interested in
  3. Get an estimate of pricing for a batch append
Or create a free account to upload your file of email addresses and get an exact match report for free
Number of Emails

Fields Selected

and 2 more

Estimated Price

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for an exact quote:
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • How is price calculated?

    Our pricing calculator gives you a quick estimate of how much data we have on your list. We take the estimated no. of matches (i.e. our average match rates) and multiply it by the field price for each data field you selected. Every list is like a unique snowflake, so prices will vary: higher if we have more matches on your list, lower if we have less. You only pay for data we match to your list.

  • What's an estimated match?

    The “estimated matches” column indicates the number of matches we expect to make on your list for that given data point. We calculate this according to our average match rate % for US consumer email addresses. i.e: Gender has a 80% match rate on average. For a list of 10,000 emails, we estimate we will match 8,000 with Gender data.

  • What is a field price?

    Each data field we have (eg. age, gender, occupation) has a price. You only pay this price when we match that data field to an email address in your list. Most are just a penny per match.

  • Where's your data dictionary?

    Click here for our Data Dictionary. It provides a detailed description and all possible values we return for a given data field.

  • How do I purchase?

    To purchase, just click on the Get Started button. Have the file you want to upload ready, then you will be prompted to select the fields you wish to purchase; Just like shopping online: it will be a painless few seconds before you get your data!

  • Do you offer bulk discounts?

    Yes we do! If you have more than 1 million email addresses, contact us at or call us at (937) 839-2556 for a quote.

  • More FAQs

Which fields would you like to purchase?

  Select All Estimated Matches Field Price Estimated Price

Age $0.01
Gender $0.01
Zip $0.01

Household Income $0.01
Marital Status $0.01
Presence of Children $0.01
Home Owner Status $0.01
Home Market Value $0.01
Length of Residence $0.01
High Net Worth $0.01
Occupation $0.01
Education $0.01

Arts & Crafts $0.01
Blogging $0.01
Books $0.01
Business $0.01
Health & Wellness $0.01
News & Current Events $0.01

Automotive $0.01
Baby Product Buyer $0.01
Beauty $0.01
Charitable Donor $0.01
Cooking $0.01
Discount Shopper $0.01
High-End Brand Buyer $0.01
Home & Garden $0.01
Home Improvement $0.01
Luxury Goods & Jewelry $0.01
Magazine Buyer $0.01
Outdoor & Adventure $0.01
Pets $0.01
Sports $0.01
Technology $0.01
Travel $0.01

Age ranges from 18 to 65+.

Values Returned18-20 21-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Gender of the individual.

Values ReturnedMale Female

Zip code of home address.

Values Returned94105 90210 10010and more...

Martial Status of the individual.

Values ReturnedSingleMarried

Presence of children in the household.

Values ReturnedYesNo

Whether the individual is a home owner or renter.

Values ReturnedOwnRent

The home market value of the individual's primary residence.

Values Returned1k-25k25k-50k50k-75kand more...

Income for the household.

Values Returned0-15k15k-25k50k-75k75k-100k100k-125k200k-250k250k+and more...

Length of residence at the individual's current residence.

Values ReturnedLess than 1 year1 year11-15 yearsand more...

Whether the individual has high net worth (top 10% in the US).

Values ReturnedYes

Category of occupation for the individual.

Values ReturnedBlue Collar WorkerBusiness OwnerTechnologyCivil ServiceHealth ServicesHomemakerNurseand more...

Highest education level of the individual.

Values ReturnedCompleted High SchoolAttended CollegeCompleted CollegeCompleted Graduate SchoolAttended Vocational/Technical

Individual is interested in arts and crafts.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases automotive goods.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases baby products.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases beauty products.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual has an active blog.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual enjoys reading and purchasing books.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual likes to stay up to date on business.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual makes charitable donations.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual enjoys cooking and purchase cooking magazines.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual enjoys hunting for discounts.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases health & wellness products.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases high end brands.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases goods for their home & garden.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases home improvement products.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases luxury goods & jewelry.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual subscribes to magazines.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual likes to stay up to date on new & current events.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual enjoys the outdoors & adventure.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual has a pet or buys pet products.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual plays sports and purchases sporting good paraphernalia.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual purchases new technology.

Values Returnedtrue

Individual has a keen interest in travel.

Values Returnedtrue