Communication Effectiveness Assessment (CEA)

The CEA assessment is actively used in 40% of our clients organizations!

A popular e-change assessment tool, designed to help the project team and managers pinpoint any issues with the change comunication process, which could threaten commitment building.

Try it and see how your change communication process is currently going. Consider a specific change project and answer each question based on your own experiences, knowledge and feelings.

Each question should be answered from your personal view point, based on your own opinions, knowledge, insights and feelings.

For the change project I have in mind...

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The messages I have received about this change are clear and understandable
I now have sufficient information to understand this change
The messages I have received about this change are consistent in their content
It is clear, in the messages I have received, what the personal implications of this change are for me
It is clear, in the messages I have received, how this change aligns with the current values of the organization
I believe that the people who talk about this change are respected because of their position of authority
I have been exposed to information about this change through a variety of different channels e.g. presentations, small group meetings, 1:1s with line managers, emails, newsletters, intranet, focus groups
I believe that information about this change is delivered in a timely manner, so that key actions can be executed on time
When leaders and managers talk about this change I believe them, because they have been forthright and truthful in the past
The communication I receive about this change fits with my natural preference for receiving and giving information e.g. pictures, logic, details, action
I have been given sufficient opportunity to question and clarify the content of this change, and the reasons for it
I have been given sufficient opportunity to question and clarify how this change will be implemented


  • Each of the questions in the Assessment relates to the Dimensions shown on the y-axis of the graph above.
  • Well planned communication generates early enthusiasm and real interest in the change. It can also help to lessen resistance by preventing misinformation and false rumors spreading within the organization. However, the reverse is also true and poor communication will actually cause and/or heighten resistance.
  • An average risk score of 29 or less represents a low risk and suggests that the communication process is working well in support of the change. An average risk score of 30 to 59 represents a medium risk and suggests that a few dimensions require some attention or improvement. An average risk score of 60 or more represents a high risk and suggests that there are serious problems with the communication process
  • e-change offers change practitioners eleven multi-lingual change tools that can be used to assess, plan and track changes. You can benchmark your change and segment data for comparison purposes, and many of the tools come with a set of recommended tactics to manage individual risk dimensions.

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