Enterprise Change Management Maturity Assessment

Organizations with high Change Management Maturity collect, on average, 143% of the value they originally expected from change projects.

However, this requires more than a small number of project or OD specialists trained in change management. Complete the Assessment to determine whether you currently have the correct level of capability, processes and infrastructure to match your organizational change intentions.

This questionnaire is split into two sections, the first looks at Change Management Maturity, the second looks at Change Load.

PLEASE READ - Both sections of this questionnaire require you to make choices between two consecutive statements (indicated by the respective grey and white “bars” below) that describe how change management is currently deployed in your organisation.

Select a statement
1. All major projects have a change management component from the start
2. Change management usage is driven by problems experienced during project delivery
3. There is visible senior sponsorship on all major change projects
4. Senior leaders focus on building and communicating a rational case for change
5. Project delivery communities (e.g. IT, 6Sigma) own our change management process
6. Managing change effectively is a core competency in the organization
7. Our change projects are driven by strong project management disciplines
8. Change management is included in project and program management mandates and scorecards
9. Senior leaders tend to rely on external experts to provide organizational change management as and when required
10. There is a notable increase in the number of change management roles in the organization
11. People in our organization are rational and will engage with change once they understand what they are required to do
12. We add change management to our processes when we feel that people are likely to push back against the change
13. We are managing a small number of change initiatives that require very little change management
14. Executives spend time managing the demand for change as well as the organization's capacity to assimilate the demand
15. The focus of our change management activity is on creating communications and training plans
16. Change management is an integral part of our management development programs
17. Change management is applied to some change situations, but not consistently across the organization
18. Our change management framework is mandated and senior leaders use it to track changes
19. Our change management framework is aligned with other processes (e.g project management)
20. Change in our organization is slow and incremental, requiring very little change management
Select a statement
1. Change in our organization is slow and incremental
2. There is a wide reaching change agenda impacting many parts of the organization
3. There is a complex, but managed program of change in our organization
4. Change in our organization is mostly continuous improvement
5. Major change projects are well planned and supported at a senior level
6. Major change in our organization has slowed down
7. There are a small number of initiatives in the organization focused on operational excellence
8. There is active portfolio management and prioritisation in place to manage our change agenda

Maturity Level

It is not unusual for there to be evidence of different levels of maturity is different parts of the organization. Get your colleagues to complete this assessment to identify and work on common themes. Use the notes below to interpret your own assessment of the organization's change management maturity level. If your results are ... ...

  • Mostly Rudimentary: Change management tends to focus on communication and training. This level of maturity is sufficient for an environment where change is slow and incremental. Refer to the graph showing your assessment of the Change Load.
  • Mostly Tactical: Change management processes tend to be led by a small number of (somewhat dedicated) internal experts. This level of maturity would be sufficient for an environment where change is mostly continuous improvement, perhaps with a small number of initiatives focused on improving operational excellence.
  • Mostly Organizational: Change management is being applied consistently on major changes, and often in an integrated fashion with project management processes. Change management is also understood by other people in local HR/OD roles who are able to support manager to deploy change across the organization. This level of maturity will support a programmatic change environment well, where complex projects are appropriately resourced and managed, and there is active executive sponsorship to provide legitimacy.
  • Mostly Institutional: Change management is considered (and practiced) a key building block for organizational agility. Not only are the organizational indicators in place, but executives are proactively managing the overall change portfolio. Capability building initiatives are in place to develop resilience and adaptability among leaders and employees. This level of maturity is essential for organizations with a transformational agenda.

Change Load

Change Load is a useful measure to determine the level of Change Management maturity your organanization needs to support its' ambitions.

Your results give you an indication of your current change load.

  • Incremental: manageable, often localised changes
  • Continuous Improvement: often small number of projects focused on improving operational excellence
  • Complex program: a significant number of major projects which make up a program, requiring a strong vision and visible sponsor support
  • Transformational: a wide reaching portfolio of changes that need to be carefully prioritised

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