A More Flexible Approach to Underwriting with AIG's New Flex Points Program
Clear underwriting guidelines that reward clients who are diligent in taking care of themselves benefit the client, advisor, distributor and carrier alike. AIG's recently announced Flex Points underwriting program is intended to deliver the clarity and simplicity that can sometimes be lacking at other, more opaque. Read on for the details and how they might help you on your next case!

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New Flex Points Crediting Program

Effective May 31, our competitive underwriting programs will be combined into a single crediting program that provides greater opportunities to improve ratings while simplifying usage and allowing for more accurate underwriting assessments of client's health.

With the new Flex points crediting program, your clients may qualify for one preferred class upgrade or one substandard class improvement )on cases originally assessed at Table D or less) if the meet any four of the program factors:
  1. Normal stride EKG, thallium, stress echo, Sestamibi, EBCT or other perfusion or imaging test
  2. Normal chest or abdominal CT
  3. Hemoglobin A1C < 5.5
  4. LDL < 100 within 6 months and cholesterol/HDL ratio </= 5.0 without medication
  5. BMI of 23 - 25
  6. Untreated blood pressure of 120/80 or better
  7. Normal mammogram
  8. Good exercise capacity test
  9. Normal cardiac Cath or cardiac CT angiogram
  10. Normal colonoscopy
  11. NT Pro-BNP </= 100
  12. Normal CBC
  13. Normal carotid ultrasound
  14. Normal LFT's and triglycerides < 200 mgl/dl
  15. Normal prostate exam
  16. Favorable Lab Risk Score on cases Standard or better
Flex Points Highlights
  • Not age specific
  • Focus on cholesterol ratio vs. total cholesterol for greater accuracy
  • BMI replaces gender-specific height/weight chart, allowing for greater accuracy
  • Family history revised:
    • Disease of parents with coronary artery disease or cancer replaced by death of parents
    • Family history only considered for specific cancers (colon, lung, melanoma, pancreatic in either parent; breast, ovarian, prostate in same-sex parent)
  • Better Choice Preferred is now written into underwriting guidelines for the individual impairments involved.
  • Expanded Standard program allows improvement to Standard rates on permanent products rates through Table B
  • The previous Preferred Offsets and Healthy Credits programs are replaced by the Flex Points program.
Please see AIG's Field Bulletin for full details.