================================================ Kanzi 3.6.4 release notes ================================================ New features ------------ * Kanzi Studio solution. Renewed the functionality and workflow for Kanzi Studio solutions: projects that include other projects. Kanzi Studio now loads projects from a Kanzi Studio solution in separate project tabs in a single Kanzi Studio window. You can configure how you want to access prefabs and resources from these projects. * ASTC. You can now decrease the size of your kzb files and improve the startup time of your Kanzi application by compressing the textures using the ASTC algorithm. The ASTC offers more control and better compression than the other compression formats available in Kanzi. Feature improvements -------------------- * You can now measure the loading and deployment time of resources in your Kanzi application. * Improvements to rendering: - Composition Target Render Pass now has the Filter Mode property, which you can use to set the filtering mode of automatically generated composition targets. By default Composition Target Render Pass uses linear filtering, but you can use this property to set the nearest filtering. - You can now set a Composition Target Render Pass to automatically resolve multisampling and mipmaps after rendering. Normally Kanzi resolves them when another render pass references the result composition target, but if you manually assign the composition target, use the Resolve Immediately property to avoid adding a render pass just to refer to the composition target render pass and perform the resolve. - Kanzi now automatically creates stencil buffers for 2D and 3D composition targets. 2D composition no longer automatically clears the depth or stencil buffers, so render passes within scenes automatically composited by the Node2D must clear those buffers. By default the render passes always clear depth. This enables a Composition Target Render Pass to automatically create stencil buffers when the render pass uses them. - Cubemaps now have seamless filtering enabled. This means that texels at the seams of cubemaps blend when you use linear filtering. To use this functionality, your target hardware must support this functionality. * Added the Move Focus and Set Focus actions, which enable you to control focus in your Kanzi application without using JavaScript scripts. * Added to the Text Block nodes the Remove Side Bearings property. Use the Remove Side Bearings property to position the leftmost characters of left-aligned text and rightmost characters of right-aligned text exactly within the boundary of the text block. * Custom Resource Manager protocol can now return null resources. For example, this enables you to display existing placeholder images until the new resource loads and then replace the placeholder image with a resource URI when the resource successfully loads. * You can now nest Grid List Box, Trajectory List Box 3D, and Scroll View nodes, each of which you can set to scroll on a different axis. * Removed the dllimports from the Kanzi template classes, which means that you can now use the ListBoxConceptImpl in you Kanzi Engine plugins. * Kanzi Engine DLL files now include PDB files to help you debug your Kanzi application. * Kanzi Engine now throws an exception if it does not find a property type that you refer to in a kzb file. * Several Kanzi Studio usability improvements that help you get things done in less time: - You can now update with a single command all data sources in a project or entire Kanzi Studio solution. - You can now update with a single command all Kanzi Engine plugins in a project or entire Kanzi Studio solution. - Improved the Kanzi Studio command line commands so that you can automate and streamline your workflow in Kanzi Studio projects. For example, you can now create and update data sources and Kanzi Engine plugins using a script. - You can now instantiate a Scene prefab in a Viewport 2D node using a Prefab Placeholder node, including from a referenced project using a resource ID. - In the Library when you run the Show Details command on a resource that is stored in a file, you can now see the path to the resource file. - In Edit > User Preferences > Advanced you can now set the number of images you want Kanzi Studio to compress in parallel. - In Edit > User Preferences you can now set Kanzi Studio to ask if you want to load referenced projects when you open a Kanzi solution project. - When you create a Render Target created from a Viewport node, Kanzi no longer draws the debug objects to the Render Target in the Preview. - You can now remove all resources in the Library which are not in use by selecting Project > Delete Unreferenced Items. - When you import an image with a name that already exists, Kanzi Studio now provides more options so that you can select whether you want to overwrite that single image, all images with the same name, add all images with the same name as new images, or cancel the importing. - Separated the Preview and thumbnail rendering processes. This way when the thumbnail rendering terminates, the Preview continues working without interruption. - You can now use the State Manager to change tags for a node. - You can now restart the Preview using the Restart button in the Preview. - In the navigation actions for the Page and Page Host nodes you can now use the Immediate property to make an instant navigation transition without an animation. - Removed the functionality of the clearFocus() scripting function. A valid application must have a node with focus. - You can now set focus to a node when that node is being attached. In the onAttached() override of a node, you can call the trySetActiveFocus() function to set focus to that node. - Kanzi Studio now marks in the Library with red type those material types that have varying variables with different precisions in the vertex and fragment shaders. You can find the complete list of changes in Kanzi 3.6.4 in Kanzi documentation > Release notes and migration guides. Changes ------- * Now when you use the file:// protocol to load textures, to improve the visual quality, Kanzi sets the texture to use the Linear, instead of Nearest filtering. * Added the Linux CPP11 configuration. * Updated the LibPNG library used by Kanzi Engine to version 1.6.35.