Kanzi 3.2.2 release notes ========================= Documentation ------------- * Added information on how to properly upgrade computer hardware without losing your Kanzi license. * Improved information on how to share a single setup of the Kanzi build environment across different Kanzi versions. * Added more content to the Best practices sections. Fixes in Kanzi Studio --------------------- * Fixed the issue that caused Kanzi Studio to incorrectly import splines. * Fixed the issue that prevented Kanzi Studio to import .png images with gray and alpha channels. * Fixed the issue that caused Kanzi Studio to crash when importing .fbx files with animations that use custom pivot points. * Fixed the issue that prevented the three-way merge from working properly. * Several fixes that improve the importing of 3D assets. * Several fixes that improve the stability of Kanzi Studio. Fixes in Kanzi Engine --------------------- * Fixed several memory leaks. * Fixed the issue that caused incorrect animation when using for a transition between states a custom transition animation which used the step keyframe interpolation. * Several fixes that improve the stability of Kanzi Engine. * Fixed the Renderer3D to correctly display the Font Material.