Kanzi 3.2.3 release notes ========================= Platform changes ---------------- * iMX6, Linux x86, Linux ARM, and Linux ARM HF platform configurations and libraries are now provided under a separate agreement. Feature improvements ------------------- * Optimized FBO rules. * You can now use memory mapped loading to reduce the loading times of your Kanzi application. * You can set the height and width of glyph cache textures to adjust the size of the glyph cache texture either when it gets full, or to optimize the performance of your Kanzi application. * You can now use binary shaders. * You can now configure the surface priority in application.cfg or onConfigure() callback. * Improved binding logic when Kanzi cannot resolve the source property at startup. * Improved handling of touch on Windows. * Improvements in resource preloading. * Included a solution for devices with faulty OES_required_internalformat implementations. Fixes in Kanzi Studio --------------------- * You can now use compressed images with mipmaps without losing their compression settings. * Fixed a memory leak in image preprocessing. Fixes in Kanzi Engine --------------------- * Fixed the issue which caused the CPU memory not to be freed for GPU-only textures. * Fixed the issues in the ResourceManager.setDefaultMemoryStrategy(OptimizeMemory). * Fixed the issue which caused using of the ETC2 format even when you selected the ETC1 format. * Reduced the amount of GL API calls related to vertex attribute pointer setup. * Spot Light nodes are now handled correctly. * Attribute cache is now correctly reset, for example, when you resume an application from suspension. * Linux input handling now detects and uses correct touchscreen value ranges for each device. * Fixed the issue which caused a touch-event not to end when cursor buffer was full.