================================================ Kanzi 3.5.1 release notes ================================================ Feature improvements -------------------- * Improved the animation system: * You can now set the Playback Mode, Duration Scale, and Repeat Count properties in the Start Animation Playback action to better control the playback of keyframe animations. * Added the Resume Animation Playback action to enable resuming a paused animation. * Added an option to select the shortest path when interpolating animations. Documentation ------------- * Added a tutorial that helps new users start learning Kanzi Studio. * Added a tutorial that shows how to dynamically set the target value for a property and interpolate the current value to the target value over time. * Added instructions which explain how to localize themes. * Added instructions that explain how to interpolate the rotation of 3D nodes. Fixes ----- * FBX file is imported incorrectly, Kanzi Studio * Kanzi workspace path not updated after new install, SDK * Preview terminates if Text Block 2D has Typed Style in its own resource dictionary, and Color Brush is modified, Kanzi Engine * State Manager transition Start Time goes to end state before transition, Kanzi Engine * Preview crashes with Kanzi 3.5 converted animation, Kanzi Engine * Animations imported from FBX not played back correctly, Kanzi Studio * Can't override resource ID: BackgroundBrush, Kanzi Engine * Preview restart required to see effect of List Box Item Container, Kanzi Engine * Item Generator can't be changed in a Grid List Box with items, Kanzi Engine * Crash Kanzi Engine and Preview with trigger on state, Kanzi Engine * Morph attributes are missing in Editing Shaders documentation section Documentation * Pages does not indicate which nodes are active and which was the last active under a Page Host node, Kanzi Engine * For Grid List Box 2D, when it is scrolling, I cannot stop scrolling by pressing the list, Kanzi Engine * Preview not updated after adding Item Container Template to Grid List Box, Kanzi Engine * Property driven animation player applies animations immediately, Kanzi Engine * Page transition speed doesn't seem to affect exported kzb, Kanzi Studio * Preview and Kanzi Studio crash when resuming paused animation player, Kanzi Engine * Preview Performance HUD graphs sometimes repeat and sometimes miss parts, Kanzi Studio * KZB url in Prefab Placeholder does not work like in Prefab View, Kanzi Engine * Preview fails to set global time, Kanzi Studio * Preview crash with Animation player Restore Original Values After Playback, Kanzi Engine * Export as KZB player, run exe from command line: KZB file is not located if command line option (-log-graphics for example) is used, Kanzi Engine * Can't instantiate tag filters from plugins, kzuTagFilterCreate not exported in the API, Kanzi Engine * Preview timeline playback resets time of timeline playbacks during scrubbing, Kanzi Engine * Animation player actions do not allow running animation in reverse, Kanzi Engine * Preview crashes when property from Kanzi Engine plugin is used as a state manager Controller Property, Kanzi Engine * when scoll the Grid List Box 2D in Kanzi 3.5, it will jump some rows when user add Keep Alive Item Count, Kanzi Engine * Float condition against fixed value does not work, Kanzi Engine * Crash when I set Locale property of Screen node in StateManager, Kanzi Engine * Preview asserts at startup if Screen has no children, Kanzi Studio