Post Documents
- With the File Manager open, expand the drives and folders in the left hand window to
find the project files to upload.
- Select your folders and documents from the left (system files)
- Drag them over to the right (project tree) into the appropriate destination folder.
- If folders are selected from the left and brought to the right side, they will be copied
as well as the folders and documents that are inside it. If you created a folder
structure in the project using the Add Folder icon, drag and drop your documents into
these folders.
- Click the “Upload” button in the top toolbar.
- Once all the documents have been uploaded, the File Manager will tell you "Upload
Successful" and you can move to the next step.
Note: While the files are uploading, you must keep PlanSource and the file manager open, but
you can minimize them and continue working on something else while you wait.