Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16CAREERops Fall/Winter 2016 Dear Honored Veteran, As General President of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA), I would like to encourage you to take a look at our Veterans in Piping® (VIP®) accelerated train- ing programs. Our programs include: welding/pipe fitting; technicians for the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) business; as well as a program that trains individuals to install and maintain lifesaving fire suppression systems (sprin- kler fitters). e VIP programs are part of our nationwide partnership that provides high-quality skills training to all branches of active-duty military members as they pre- pare to transition back to civilian life. To date, we have nine VIP programs at eight mili- tary installations, and with the help of our contractor partners, we have been providing meaningful careers for our very deserving members of the Armed Forces since 2008. As we all know our nation has been in protracted wars for well over a decade. e United Association be- lieves that we have an obligation to the brave men and women who have honorably served our nation and that upon their return they are given an opportunity for a secure future. e Veterans in Piping program does just that and much more. As the nation’s premier plumbing, pipe fitting and sprinkler fitting union, we have stepped up—offering opportunities for secure, skills-based careers for our heroes at no cost to the gov- ernment or taxpayers, and most importantly, at no cost to the service members themselves. We feel that you will find the UA is a perfect fit for you. Our union is a brotherhood and sisterhood—we learn together and work together every day. e training that you will receive as a VIP participant is just the beginning. You will continue to train through our world-renowned apprenticeship program. Your new UA Brothers and Sisters in the field will serve as mentors, helping you to become the best piping professional you can be. is is an exciting time in our industry. ere are no limitations. It will be up to each and every one of you to determine how far you can go. You will start as an apprentice with the goal of earning your journey- man status, with all the opportunity that provides. Aer that, you can be a foreman, general foreman, super- intendent, project manager, and one day, you could even become an instructor, a union officer or own your own contracting company. e skills and qualities you bring from your military backgrounds are things our contractors want—honesty, dedication, discipline, and your desire to learn. ese are all attributes that frame a skilled professional. It’s also important to know that the UA is committed to your success. We have a proven track record and have trained over 1,000 transitioning service members who have found the per- fect fit with the UA. Join our brotherhood and sisterhood and continue on your path to success. With best wishes, I remain fraternally yours, Mark McManus General President Patrick H. Kellett Michael A. Pleasant General Secretary-Treasurer Assistant General President Mark McManus General President