b'Becoming UAInstructorsANatural Progressionfor Three MarinesThe United Associationhas one of the most prestigious training programs in the indus-try, based on the train-the-trainer model that many building trades unions have emulated throughout North America. To become a certified instructor for apprentices and journeymen of the United Association, one must participate in the Instructor Training Program that takes place in Ann Arbor, MI, at Washtenaw Community Col-lege. UA tradesmen and women take over the campus every year in August for an intensive one-week program. To become a certified instructor takes five years of preparation and participation. This path can also produce a bachelors or associ-ate degree in various majors for those who choose to pursue them. To be an instructor at the local union level is an honorable position, for it is the hard work and dedication of the instructors that will secure the future of the United Association. For one band of brotherstwo of whom served in the same unitit was not surprisingPendleton, he completed the VIP welding pro-that they were following one anothers careergram there. Kevin continued with his apprentice-paths. They transitioned out of the Marines at dif- ship at Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 230 in San ferent times, graduated from the VIP welding pro- Diego, CA. For this interview, I met up with gram at Camp Pendleton in separate classes, andKevin while he was attending the Instructor Train-they experienced various projects in their chosening Program in Ann Arbor for the first time, and local unions once they began to work in the field ashe was genuinely impressed. He said, Its awe-pipefitters/welders. In 2019, they each found onesome. I feel very fortunate to be here. Its great to another at the Instructor Training Program, pursu- talk to other instructors and get their feedback on ing the same roles of instructors in their respectivetechniques. The classes are great. I feel like Im local unions. learning a lot. The landscape, the school, our lead-Kevin Long turned out as a journeyman pipefit- ership back at our local unionsits just very cool I ter/welder in 2015. As a Marine stationed at Campwas chosen for this. 8 opsCAREER'