Get Answers to Survey Questions

Our Rates for Research Advice
and Survey Services Are a Great Value

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Tons of resources and most of them are free.
Responding to Questions
Submit your question and we'll respond with our best answer. Nine out of ten times, questions can be readily answered by our research pros and there will be no charge. That's right, Free!

For more detailed responses or professional recommendations, our services are priced on a pay-as-you-receive, hourly charge basis. Before the clock starts, you'll get a price quote so there are no surprises. To make it easy, we accept major credit cards.
Survey Task Outsourcing
Our Services Menu includes:
  • review your questionnaire or design it from scratch
  • process and summarize survey data that you collected
  • prepare charts, graphs or a written summary report
    Soup to nuts, we provide the highest quality.
  • You can pick and choose from any of the above services. Hire us for just one, or a package of several or the entire survey project. The survey costs are based on a per-complete basis while the other services are based on specific hourly rates.

    Contact Us Today for a no-obligation price quote.

    Research LifeLine™ is a division of Polaris Marketing Research, Inc.

    If at any point
    you are not satisfied with the quality of the information or the service you received, you will not be charged.

    Marketing Research Association American Marketing Association Council of American Survey Research Organizations American Society for Quality