LifeLine Help Center: Useful Survey
Tools, Tips & Techniques for Survey
Beginners to Advanced Researchers

White Papers Offering Survey Techniques Our White Papers cover a wide variety of research topics. Start off with our free white paper: "The Six Steps in Conducting Quantitative Marketing Research."
Short Video Explaining Survey Basics Short, Three-Minute Tutorials are great introductions to basic marketing research concepts.
Newsletter Offering Survey Research Help Our monthly Newsletter, MR Perspectives, is heavily oriented towards "how to" survey best practices. We've been publishing these for 10 years and we have categorized this library for you to easily browse through.
Webinars for Survey Design Help We started building our Webinar library begining with our popular 45-minute session "Don't consider DIY Surveys...Until You Attend This Webinar!"
Survey Statistical Calculators Many Researchers have come to rely on our easy-to-use, easy-to-understand Stat Calculators for determining whether survey results are statistically significant or for calculating the proper sample size for your project.
Survey Question Examples Among the available resources particularly helpful to survey beginers are our questionnaire examples.
Helpful Blogs Discussing Survey Research Topics We have two very useful Blogs covering helpful and interesting marketing research subjects that you should definitely check out: The Marketing Dialog and Polaris Point of View (POV)
Survey & Marketing Research Terminology Our Glossary of survey and marketing research terms can help you better understand the survey process and impress your boss and colleagues.

Research LifeLine™ is a division of Polaris Marketing Research, Inc.

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Marketing Research Association American Marketing Association Council of American Survey Research Organizations American Society for Quality