LifeLine Help Center:
Survey Research Organizations
& Other Internet Resources
American Association for Public Opinion Research Founded in 1947, AAPORis the leading association of public opinion and survey research professionals, including producers and users of survey data from a variety of disciplines. Our members span a range of interests including election polling, market research, statistics, research methodology, health related data collection and education. |
American Marketing Association Through relevant information, comprehensive education and targeted networking, the AMA assists marketers in deepening their marketing expertise, elevating their careers and ultimately, achieving better results. |
Advertising Research Foundation The ARF is an open forum where the best and brightest from every avenue of advertising gather to exchange ideas and research strategies. As an open-minded, unbiased environment, free of partisan interests, the ARF facilitates a smarter, stronger, and more effective advertising community. |
American Statistical Association The ASA is the world�s largest community of statisticians. The ASA supports excellence in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical science through meetings, publications, membership services, education, accreditation, and advocacy. |
Council of American Survey Research Organizations CASRO is the �Voice and Values� of the survey research industry. We promote a rigorous code of conduct that enhances the image of survey research and protects the public's rights and privacy. We champion legitimate research companies and marginalize disreputable research �pretenders� who threaten to tarnish the industry's reputation and alienate respondents. CASRO requires members to adhere to the CASRO Code of Standards and Ethics for Survey Research, a tough, internationally-cited set of standards, which has long been the benchmark for the industry. |
European Society for Opinion and Market Research ESOMAR facilitates an on-going dialogue with its 4,900 members, in over 130 countries, through the promotion of a comprehensive program of industry specific and thematic conferences, publications and best practice guidelines. ESOMAR also provides ethical guidance and actively promotes self-regulation in partnership with a number of associations across the globe. |
Marketing Research Association Founded in 1957, the Marketing Research Association is the leading and largest association of the opinion and marketing research profession, which delivers insights and intelligence to guide the decisions of companies providing products and services to consumers and businesses. |
Qualitative Research Consultants Association The QRCA is a not-for-profit association of consultants involved in the design and implementation of qualitative research � focus groups, in-depth interviews, in-context and observational research, and more. Our goal is to promote excellence in the field of qualitative research by pooling experience and expertise to create a base of shared knowledge. |
Quirk's Marketing Research Review If you conduct, coordinate, use or purchase market research or marketing research services then is the Web site you need. Here you'll find free directories of 7,000+ market research companies and focus group facilities, 3,000+ market research articles, market research jobs, events, online research and much more! |
Travel and Tourism Research Association The TTRA educates members in research, marketing and planning skills through publications, conferences and networking, creates opportunities to interact with your peers throughout the industry and promotes the development and application of professional research in the travel and tourism industry. |
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