CAREERops Career Opportunities in Piping for Transitioning Veterans Spring/Summer 2018 Barrett Fuller is now a second-year apprentice with Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192 in Cheyenne, WY. He said he applied for the VIP Welding program at Fort Campbell, KY, because he liked to weld. He had done some before. He also liked the idea of working for a union. "My dad worked on oil rigs, so we moved all over the place," he said. "We once lived in Casper, so I knew a bunch of people in Laramie and a couple people in Thayne. Cheyenne was my first choice when they asked me where I would like to continue with my apprenticeship." Barrett says that since he graduated from the program, it’s been going really well. “I’ve worked on the west side of the state here in Cheyenne. I’m happy so far. It’s hands on, and I’m always busy. The pay is great, and the benefits are a plus. My favorite project so far has been over at one of the mines in Green River. We were just putting in eight-inch pipe, but I got to do a lot of welding, and we flew a lot of pipe in, and that was fun. I will take advantage of everything. I will get my plumbing license too. I really like the school aspect of the apprenticeship.” Barrett Fuller