HVACR Service Technician Career is a Family Choice Career Opportunities in Piping for Transitioning Veterans | Spring/Summer 2018 7 had been in the Navy for ļ¬ve-and-a-half years. He had just graduated from the UA VIP HVACR [heating, ventilation, air- conditioning, and refrigeration] Service Techni- cian program in Norfolk, VA, and had arrived in Austin that day. For Brandon, joining the Navy and becoming an HVACR service technician with a union contractor were both decisions based on his familyā€™s well-being. Healthcare was his number- one motivating factor. Brandon joined the Navy to ensure that his wife, Emily, who suļ¬€ers from epilepsy and is a cancer survivor would receive good healthcare. Today, Brandonā€™s family has grown to include his son, Benjamin, who is three years old, and his daughter, Juniper, who is four months old. Healthcare and beneļ¬ts remain ex- tremely important to Brandon. ā€œI stumbled on the VIP program almost by acci- dent,ā€ Brandon said. ā€œI was told about it by my Navy liaison who was helping me explore transi- tion options. I was ļ¬‚oored that I wouldnā€™t have to pay anything. At the time, I was looking into a cyber security opportunity, but it would have en- tailed an investment of $20,000. I am more of a hands-on type of person, and once I read about the program, I knew it was for me. HVACR service technicians are in high demand. I knew it would be a great career. ī‚Šere was so much more to it than what I had thought of with the little knowledge I had about residential systems. I would be working on large commercial units that service hospitals, universities, and oļ¬ƒce buildingsā€”things like that. I talked to my dad, who had worked construction for 30 years, and he said to deļ¬nitely apply. I got in and learned a lot. We learned more than HVACR. Our instructor talked about pipeļ¬tting and plumb- ing and problems he had seen over the years.ā€ Upon graduation, Brandon was immediately hired by Johnson Controls. He is thrilled to be in Texas, because his wifeā€™s family is there, and they are currently living with them to help with the transition. ā€œī‚Šere is so much camaraderie at Local 286 in Austin,ā€ Brandon said. ā€œī‚Šey treat you like family. I really like that, and it will be great for my kids. ī‚Še healthcare and pension and the pay scale will truly beneļ¬t my family. Every time I see a Johnson Controls truck, I get really excited. I just canā€™t wait to start.ā€ Brandon Hutton ā€œI stumbled on the VIP program almost by accident. I was told about it by my Navy liaison who was helping me explore transition options. I was ļ¬‚oored that I wouldnā€™t have to pay anything.ā€