Combined Prices

With Locked Sections

If you selected to specify Combined Prices that you require from your bidders, you will enter them on this page. Select from the list of locked sections for each Combined Price you have. Click on the + Add Combined Price button for an additional price. Click on the x to delete that price.

For each combined price you list, the bidder will have to indicate a Bid Amount.


Define Combined Prices


Without Locked Sections

If you selected to specify Combined Prices that you require from your bidders, you will enter them on this page. Type in the description of each Combined Price you have. Click on the + Add Combined Price button for an additional price. Click on the x to delete that price.

For each combined price you list, the bidder will have to indicate a Bid Amount.


Combined Prices

Other Prices to Define

Once you have finished creating/editing your bid form, the last page will allow you to Save the Form